πŸ’°Game economy

Control Spice inflation

The most important goal we have with SpiceRush is to create a fun game so that playing it is the main reason for logging in, and potential token earnings comes later on.

But keeping the economy flow viable is (along with creating a fun game) the one and only real challenge every p2e has to face.

Here is what we imagined to control the economy:

  • Impose a dynamic rate on Spice Ore / Spice tokens cashout & land rewards

  • Use alpha & (1 - alpha) rate to balance out mining rewards & land rewards so that there is not only one winning strategy (economy balance)

  • Refill spice rewards pool by taking tax from game economy flows

  • Create liquidity automatically from game economy flows

  • Incentivize liquidity creation with our partners to stabilize liquidity rate

  • Character & Lands potential deaths & destructions with risky PvE & PvP

Last updated